Monday, August 1, 2011

Back to Gustavus, and One Pic from Haines

Mendenhall Glacier : From a helicopter. I still haven't gone on the helicopters, but I let someone borrow my camera.

Top of the glacier

Need to get rid of the reflection! But a view seen from our Cessna 206 on the way to Gustavus.

Beautiful Lake

Gustavus Airport

My camp site for the night! See how its not raining? Next picture is rain. I didn't have tent stakes, and the tent blew over in rain and swamped. I was smart enough to tie the tent to a tree for it didn't blow away.

Kayaking. In the rain. Was alot of fun!

A Japanese family who went with us on the tour.

This whale was tail slapping! The video I shot was out of focus, but this picture turned out perfectly! The whale did this over and over close to twenty times.

Boat harbor dock.

Our kayak! Two person plastic.

Still don't know why they have these in Gustavus. I forgot to ask.

I remembered. Gustavus used to be called something like Strawberry Ville. They were know for the small pale variety.

A shelter built on the beach. Ferry and marine dock in the background.

Haines Airport.  pt 1

Haines Airport. pt 2. Only pics I took of the city!

Glacier and Cloud.

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