Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Skagway, Yukon Pass Train

Skagway. Felt alot like CO. An Alaskan Georgetown almost.

 I'll type about trip later, too tired. 
A house over looking the runway! What a house.  

The port as seen of a trail towards Dewey Lake.

Dewey Lake

My Esbit stove and dinner. Love that stove.

Yukon Express Train

A Summit Express train that went before ours. Its higher up on the mountain.

The Sawtooth Mountain Range

THIS MAN'S ELBOW ruined this shot.

If you look really hard, you can see a cruise ship in the harbor down in Skagway.

Old Steel Bridge.

The Summit, had a awesome lake

Skagway is 45 minutes north of Juneau.

Fourth Of July, Youngs Lake

Captain Morgan. No serious, Morgan was our Captain. Observing his lake.

 Fourth of July the owner of our company took us all out to Youngs Lake on Admiralty Island.           According to Wikipedia.... 
 "Admiralty Island is home to the highest density of brown bears in North America. An estimated 1,600 brown bears inhabit the island, outnumbering Admiralty's human residents nearly three to one."

 It was an unforgettable trip. Shot a number of small cannon hand guns, my shotgun, and a AK-47.
And a .22 caliber lever action. I want a a .22 now. That thing is awesome. We tossed apples out into the lake for targets.

Owner brought so much food and around 1000$ worth of fireworks. Its amazing we didn't blow anything up. Or each other. Or the tents. We may have had the fireworks to close to the tents, but no holes were burned!

Cessna 206 float plane on the cloudy morning.

Our cabin PLUS the rain shelter we built!! If there was ever a makeshift, redneck shelter.... this was it. Three posts held the tarp out. I had  made duct tape corner guards so the metal roof didn't rip the tarp. It was amazing that this thing held together for three days in the rain.

Love the rain in the flash.

A 62 pound pig. Roasted over a pit of lake rocks, and charcoal.

About half of the fireworks we had left. Poor Maggie was hiding inside. Shes didn't like all the guns we had going all day. 


Adrian, a pilot. Taking a morning nap on the floats.

Man in green is the owner of Air Excursions. Mr Mike here is the reason we were able to have such a great Fourth.

The pig after countless hours on the fire. Was delicious.

Beer. And guns. What could go wrong?  Funny as it looks like the gun is being pointed at someones head. It wasn't.

Camera video wasn't fast enough to catch the muzzle flash and the water impact so I settled for the flash. 


