Thursday, June 30, 2011

Whale Watching

Went non-rev on a Whale watching boat! 
It was awesome, and the boat captain was the coolest guy. 
"Not bad when this is your office eh'?"

Video is of the Orca pod we saw. Trying to upload the other two videos of them. But they are larger files and are being a pain in import. 
But the first video is the best :)

Lighthouse on the point of a larger island. And elderly couple still runs it. 

Orca's tail slapping.

Orcas!! These were transitory Orca's moving through. They were eating seals, which I did not get a picture of.

Humpback, we were really close. I don't think this picture had much zoom on it.

Humpback tail!! The whales would come up for air but only show the tails when they were ready to dive again.  They would rise and fall around 4 times before showing the tails!

A glacier seen from the Icy Straights. This glacier use to be all the way up to where the boat currently was in the picture.

Rainbow in the humbacks breath!

Humbacks in their school? Swarm? Family? Pod? Lets say pod.

Whale Tail

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weekend In Gustavus

 This weekend took a non-rev flight with our company to a small town twenty minutes west of Juneau called Gustavus. Camped the first night and rode a boat for a tour of the Glacier Bay National Park on the second day before flying back.
Beach right outside of my camp ground.

Camp, Anthonys tent is way lighter than mine.

Little ways from my camp, see that rock about dead center in the pic?

Ya, there was a girl on the rock and a moose came running out of the woods and scared us. She has a numbered bandana around her neck for the Park Services can track her and such. We were happy that this moose was so tame, as she came within about 4 feet of this girl on her rock.

Sunset, at 10pm

Built the fire an hour or two before high tide. It came within a foot of the fire and stopped! Made for a good picture, but it also covered the little dig out I had made and was napping in.

Baranof Wind

First Brown Bear! He was far away, and we were on the boat.

Billy Goats and little fluffy goats.

Harbor Seal and Pup. We kinda almost hit it with the boat, and I'm not sure if anyone else got a picture! Was in a perfect window seat as we stopped the boat.

John Hopkins Glacier and the twin 14000 peaks, Wilbur and Orville

When they tell you the Gustavus Office is larger than the Juneau office.......... They were lying to you.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


The Alaskan Highway

Alaska Or Bust!

Light House seen from Ferry to Juneau

The Sea! Also, a great place to lose lures when fishing.

10:00 pm looking over the Mendenhall Lake. 1 Mile from home.

Mr. Blue the Great Dane. Believe it or not, he fits on that bed when he flops over.

Bald Eagle waiting on the top of the pier I fish on. He'll swoop in and take any small fish you throw from him. The crows hate him and constantly dive bomb him. Its quite funny as the Eagle really doesn't care at all.

A spot next to the Dougless Bridge. Was a perfect evening for fishing.

Fishing Boat coming home.

Dougless Island. Right next to Juneau, still considered Juneau.

Float Plane coming home from a charter flight.

-------------------------Added Captions some Captions. 6-4-11 ------------------------------
Right of the Glacier

Mendenhall Glacier and Lake. One of the largest glaciers in North American I was told on the Ferry.